Watch Police Confiscate Flowers Father And Daughter Picked For Mothers Day

A father who brought his children out to pick flowers for their mother was shocked when a police woman stopped them and confiscated the flowers they were picking from a road edge. David Taylor spoke out criticising the Nottinghamshire Police after the police woman took the 27 daffodils his two daughters had picked for their … Continue reading Watch Police Confiscate Flowers Father And Daughter Picked For Mothers Day

100-year-old woman ‘arrested’ to fulfill bucket list item

A Dutch woman who is fast approaching her 100th birthday convinced police to arrest her to fulfill a wish on her bucket list recently. Bijna 100 en een bucketlist: Vanochtend hebben we Annie een zeer mooie dag kunnen bezorgen door één van haar laatste... Posted by Politie Nijmegen-Zuid on Thursday, February 23, 2017 Nijmegen-Zuid police said … Continue reading 100-year-old woman ‘arrested’ to fulfill bucket list item

Drive-thru worker arrested after smearing period blood on burger of rude customer

This story is sure to turn your stomach and make you think twice about eat out for the foreseeable future. The incident allegedly occurred on January 7 at around 10.20pm at Jack’s Family Restaurant in Columbus, Mississippi. A co-worker of Sky Juliett Samuel, 18 (pictured below) claims she saw Sky put her hands down her … Continue reading Drive-thru worker arrested after smearing period blood on burger of rude customer